
The Latest

Welp, I got news today from our HR team in Luxembourg that my work permit has (finally) been granted and I can officially step foot in our offices there. So, I can truly say now that I will be leaving Chicago on Sunday, October 16 and arriving in Luxembourg on Monday, October 17. I will be staying at the Hotel Parc Plaza, near the center of the city at 5, avenue Marie Therese (phone: 011.352.45.61.41).

I plan to take about a week off when I arrive and then get going with work around the 24th of October. During the week off I'll be apartment hunting, setting up a bank account, getting a mobile phone, and taking care of other administrative things.

Until then, I'll continue to give updates on this website. As always, please visit the "How to Stay In Touch with Me" posting in the October 2005 archives.

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