
What was I saying to Drew in the picture?

A: "Now you don't have to swing on 3-0, but if he grooves it and you
like it, come on out of your shoes..."

B: "You've done really well so far not peeing on me when I change you.
Let's keep that up."

C: "We hate the St. Louis Cardinals and the Pittsburgh Steelers. Don't
ever forget that."

D: "If it's a cash flow hedge, everything gets recorded in OCI until the
forecasted transaction occurs; once that happens, you move it into P&L.
That's different than a fair value hedge, you know, because both the
hedged item and the derivative go through earnings, and any
ineffectiveness just falls out..."

Winner gets a 12-pack of Goose Island 312.


Maggie x 2

Drew got spoiled this past week as his two favorite Maggie's came to visit him.  What fun he (and mom) had! 

Maggie Sjovall (seriously, how cute is she??) stopped over with her mom, Alison, last Sunday afternoon.  Then, one of Ag's best friends, Maggie B., came up from Cincy for a few days to just chill with her and Drew.  It was great to see her, and I know it meant so much to Ag that she was here.


These will make you smile....

Honestly, don't you just laugh and smile when you see those legs??

Just this past week, Drew has been smiling more and more. 

He LOVES to lay in his crib and stare at the big wooden buttons on the walls.  He just giggles and smiles at them!  His other favorite hangout is chillin' on our bed.  If he gets fussy, we go and lay down for a few minutes....He loves to watch the fan go around and around over head. 

He LOVES his swing too. We wish the swing came in an "adult" size for us.


Lazy Sunday

We had a good weekend, and today has been a lazy Sunday so far.  I worked from home on Friday while Aggie had her 6 week follow up with the OB.  Everything went well!  I ended up getting some tickets to the Cubs vs Reds game yesterday, and a couple of my buddies came up to hang out and see the game.  It was a lot of fun; the Reds won an exciting game and we drank a lot of beer!  ;-)  Drew was happy to stay home with mom and hang out and not partake in the nonsense.

We are watching the Reds beat the Cubs again today (on TV this time), and are planning to watch the Bengals play the Cowboys tonight in the first NFL pre-season game.  The best part about this weekend?  No work!  Things should be slower now until the next quarter, which will start to pick up in the last week of September.

We got some funny video of Drew waking up from a nap today:

There are some good pics we've taken recently too, such as the below.

We'll post more videos and pics as we take them.  Until next time!



  "Hee, hee!" says Drew with a sly smile....

I fooled mom and dad to think that I would be a good night sleeper (see previous blog).  Little did they know, I was going to keep mom up all night last night....I woke up at 12midnight, 1:30a, 3a, and 5a....I wasn't even hungry.  I just thought she should come "visit" me in my room.  I haven't decided what my plan will be tonight...


Miracles Do Happen

Drew slept from 9:30p last night till 6:23a this morning! 

Drew had a big day yesterday as we celebrated with our friends, Jen and Eric, their son's 1st birthday. Partying (aka. crying) with Jack must have worn Drew out!  Honestly, this picture of Jack is priceless.....

Of course being new parents, Ag and I woke up a few times throughout the night (just out of routine), wondering if Drew was okay....After checking on our little man, we slipped back into our deep REM sleep:)  Let us all keep our fingers crossed tonight is a repeat sleep pattern!