
"Buttons, buttons on the wall...."

"Who is the best baby of them all!?"  You better say Drew!!

So, until recently, Drew would look at the buttons on the wall over his bed and would be mesmerized by them.  If he was fussy, we would take him into his room to look at them, and he would quit whining and then smile.  It was so weird!  We think he thought they were people looking at him:)  Check out the video of Ag putting him on the changing table and him looking at his buttons:

So, as I mentioned in a few blogs ago, we went to Pittsburgh for Andy and Jessie's wedding (Sept 11th weekend).  The whole weekend was absolutely beautiful and the wedding was quite the party.  As you can see from the pic below, Ag was working overtime!  Needless to say, everyone had a wonderful time and Drew did excellent on the flight!  

Ag and I were so worried about how Drew would do on the plane as he has recently boycotted his crib and pacifer.  Therefore, Ag went to Babies r Us and bought about 6 or 7 different styles of pacis as back-ups.  We should have bought stock....anyway, of course, he still won't take any of them!

One of our strategies was then to take one of the wooden buttons on his wall.  We were kind of joking about it and kind of serious.  Well, since we have been back from the trip, he won't smile at the buttons any more!  Maybe his eyes have focused enough and he realizes they are just wood circles with more circles cut out of them??

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