So, as most of you all know, we got a little bit of snow yesterday. Yes, the city of Chicago was put to a halt for a few hours due to Mother Nature. When the snow finally stopped falling, we (Ag, Drew and I) went out and got a few pics. Our back yard got dumped on...
The fun then begun with digging ourselves out! Check out "our pics" to see the lovely tunnel I dug to get to the garage. Once I got to the garage and put the garage door up, I had the pleasure of seeing the "wall" of snow that some, oh how should I put it, some "not so smart person" plowed. Obviously, he wasn't hired by the city of Chicago and took matters into his own hands.....
As I looked around, our neighbors that live near us were out as well. We were all wondering what in the world we were going to do with all the snow! So, we came up with a plan. We basically dumped the snow over our fence so that we could get to our cars and to our garage (I will say we are lucky as we are one of the few homes on the block with yard space). We got all the cars dug out and the space in front of our garage cleared, but there was no way we could all tackle the "wall". The "wall" of snow is about several feet high and a few feet wide. We basically have a cul-de-sac in our back ally now.
I don't think this wall will be gone till May! AND, that truck is not going anywhere anytime soon....
At least Drew liked the snow!
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