
6th Month Appointment and update

On Monday, January 10th, Ag took Drew to his 6th month appointment. (Due to the holidays, we are about 2 weeks behind schedule, but no big deal.) Drew is one very healthy boy! He is 19lbs and 27 3/4 inches long. He HATED his shots (as most babies do) and cried so hard afterwards:(

So, what is new with Drew?? Well around the 4.5 month mark, Drew rolled like crazy one day....or so Ag says! I have yet to see him roll. She tried to show me one day, but all that happened was that she pushed him and he rolled from the momentum...not really what I thought she meant by "He rolled! He rolled! He's rolling all over the place!". For some reason he has opted not to really attempt anything resembling a roll when papa is around. He likes to sit (and he sits really well), and he loves to stand up as you hold him. Also, Drew is becoming more and more vocal these days. He loves to just scream for no reason:) AAAAHHHHHHHH! and GGGGOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH! are his staple noises.

He is really discovering the textures of things and tags are his favorite. Yes, Drew will be occupied for a good 5-10 minutes just playing with the tag of a pillow, blanket, etc. His favorite tags are on a big, soft soccer ball and the Boppy pillow. Good thing he got all these light up, musical, fancy toys for Christmas.... I honestly think he would have been fine with a tupperware lid or a spatula (assuming the tags were still on them)!

Peak-A-Boo is one of his favorite games to play. He also LOVES to hug his Pooh bear (thanks Joel!). "Hi Drew...my name is Pooh...I LOVE YOU!!!" and so on. ABC's is one song that always seems to make him smile and calms him down. His favorite books are "Baby at the Farm" and "Toes, Ears and Nose".

Drew is also quite the little eater these days. Squash is a big hit at dinner time! We had some prunes and apples the other day and after he took a bite, he decided he was tired and rubbed his eyes....seriously, what a mess!

We have lots of fun activities to keep us busy during the cold winter days. Drew has a music class (Wiggleworms) on Mondays, and Aggie is involved with a few mom groups that meet up each week.

Oh, and the other wonderful news...Drew sleeps through the night now (usually). He would sleep through the night here and there but nothing was consistent. Now he goes down to bed between 6:30-7pm and wakes between 6-7am. That my friends is a beautiful thing! (Although, as I write this, I think I am jinxing us!)

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