So, we made it back from our two-week honeymoon in Thailand (about time I took Ag on a honeymoon, huh?). It was awesome, to say the least!
We will be sure to blog about the adventures there, but it will take us some time. Time is something that we just don't seem to have right now! Let me fill you in on what's been going on....
We left for Thailand on Friday, May 8 and got back on Thursday, May 21st around 7:45am. Our plane was quarantined at the gate, though, for about an hour because someone on the flight had a fever. So, we had to sit and wait while the medical team came in and checked the person's health. Long story short, we finally got back to Dave and Ali's (where we are staying this month) around 10am. We crashed and did some organizing and such around the apartment. That evening we went to dinner with our friends John and Helen, and Helen's friend, Masha, who was visiting from Kiev. It was a great evening catching up!
Friday was relaxing and we ran some errands. We also finalized our de-registration with the Swiss government, and then took a nice walk down by the lake and through some of the flower gardens.
Then on Saturday and Sunday, we went hiking in Flims with a group of our best friends.
We left early Saturday morning, dropped our bags off at the hotel and hiked all day. It was so much fun! The weather was awesome and the views were incredible. We found a beautiful lake that had crystal clear, aqua-colored water. Of course, a few of us stripped down to our skivvies and jumped in! Then that night we went to a nice micro-brewery in Laax (the town next to Flims) that one of our Swiss friends suggested we check out. It was a good night for all and we went to bed full and happy!
After a hearty breakfast and relaxing morning, we all met up and went hiking again on Sunday morning. The weather didn't disappoint and we all had a great afternoon. We got back to Zurich later Sunday evening and just chilled with Ali and Dave. This past Monday and Tuesday we have been relaxing and running around town, finalizing things for the move home, meeting up with friends, etc.
We leave for a week-long holiday in Santorini, Greece in about 5 hours. Both Ag and I are super excited for this trip as well.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day! See you all state-side in about 10 days...
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