A picture speaks a 1000 words right?? Seriously, though this is how we feel. I'm going to be honest with you, Aggie and I haven't had time to update the blog because we have been go, go, go, and we are tired! Of course, our appologies because we feel we have let our Blogger fans down....(similar to how all you Bengals fans are feeling deprived). Anyway, we are finally back in Zurich after our fun, long trip to the US of A. We will fill you in on that trip in the next blog. In the meantime, lets circle back to September....
Last time we wrote, Aggie and I had the pleasure of hosting my Uncle Terry and Aunt Phyllis here in Zurich. We had also celebrated our one year anniversary, gone boating with friends and to a few parties and BBQs. We had plans to return to the US in October (2nd-18th) so the time between Friday, September 19th-Tuesday, September 30th needs to be noted now.
Over these two weekends (Sept 19 and Sept 26th) we had tossed around the idea of going to Octoberfest in Munich with a few friends, but opted out. We have been before (me twice, Aggie once) and loved the experience, but we didn't have the motivation to put our "drinking" hats on. (Are we getting old?!) Anyway, instead, I ran a 1/2 marathon and we went hiking!
The 1/2 marathon was on Saturday, September 20th, and the race was in a town called Uster which was about 20 minutes outside of Zurich. It worked out great as Aggie and I went to pick up the race information on Friday evening after work, and then went out to dinner to an Italian restaurant near our place that we really like. Saturday was race day and the event took place in the afternoon. We ran into a few other E&Y people at the event who were either running or there to support friends and family. It was a beautiful day and the race was a success!
One thing Aggie noted is throughout the town where the event was being held, people in the race just left backpacks, clothing, and bags all over the place, with the intentions of picking up their items afterwards. Only in Switzerland would one even consider doing such a thing! Anywhere else, those bags would be snatched up by bad men wanting to flush them down the toilet! (That's a bit of an inside joke, but I'll fill you in. The other day Ag woke one of her girls - Cila - up from a nap and Cila told her that she was having a bad dream about a "bad bad man who tried to take me and flush me down the toilet!"...Ag just laughed and told her "Alle ist okay, Cila. Wir ist keine schlecht manner."!!)
Cila at dinner
When we arrived in the town of Sottel, we found the trail and started to climb...and climb....and climb. It was quite a challenging first hour to say the least! The sun never came out during our climb up, and it was quite chilly. Once we got to the top, there was a nice little restaurant which served some awesome squash soup and apple cider. That warmed us right up and away we went to hike some more.
Well, the trail led us up the mountain a bit more and though some woods. Then, the fog set in.
We had a hard time finding the trail signs and all we could hear were cow bells around us, klinking and clanging. It was funny because we really were just waiting to have a run in with a bull. We finally made it down the mountain and to the train station. Off we went, back to Zurich. We grilled out at John and Helen's the next day and John served up some spicy, extremely tasty dishes.
We worked a few days and then left for the states on Thursday, October 2nd. The next blog will be about our adventures home...there were quite a few (including two very fun weddings)!
PS. Aggie is doing well health-wise. She had an MRI recently and a blood test and eye exam this past week. Her horomone levels are still not where they should be, but they are improving which is good. Her eye exam was great. We meet with her surgeon next week to discuss the MRI and her progress so lets all say a prayer the meeting goes well! Thanks again for everyone's thoughts and prayers.
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