"Well, we um....well we were....er...it was going to..." RIGHT! That's freakin right! You knew that I'd go Nike on that stuff and just do it. Well, stop looking at me, SCHWAN!!
Anyway, we won't waste time talking about that. Our concern now turns to the Audi mechanic who looked at my car on Monday (the 21st of April). We were going to Luxembourg on Tuesday (22nd) until Thursday (24th) for work. Aggie was tagging along as she has time off from the daycare and babysitting. We need to get the car tires changed and have the usual checkup done. Well, the dude didn't have time to change the tires (you change tires in Europe from winter to summer and vice versa) but he did have time to change our oil (he is changing our tires next week). Also, for the past couple of days, when you put the key into the ignition, the car dashboard says "Service!" (like tennis!). So I thought I'd have them take a quick look there as well. So I drop the car off this morning...
When I went to pick the car up (after a crazy and hectic day, nonetheless), the guy told me that everything was fine. "I just put a liter of oil in it....for the engine." Blinding glimpse of the obvious. That's why they call in "engine oil."
Then he asked where I would be travelling. I told him Luxembourg and France. He suggested that I buy the safety vest. "Why?" I ask.
"The vest is required to wear if your car breaks down on the highways outside of Switzerland," was his reply.
Homo say what?? What!! Exactly...
My first reaction was, "Well, do I need the vest?!?" He looks at me quizzically.
"Is that going to happen??!" I ask. He smiles and shrugs.
Sensing my growing frustration and unrestrained bewilderment, the girl from the front counter walks over in an attempt to help. "Spechen Sie English?" I ask her. "A little bit," she says. (Note, if someone knows English well enough to tell you that they speak it "a little bit", they are fluent and probably spent two years of university in New Hampshire or something.)
"Is my car going to break down on my way to Luxembourg? Should I take the train instead?"
She translates to the mechanic.
"Nein! Nein, nein nein! Alle ist okay! Alle ist gut!" he replies and laughs heartily.
That makes me feel better. End result: I bought the freakin vest anyway! You never know...
(Brent and Erika, if we are not at the airport this weekend to pick you up, you know why.)
Stay tuned to find out if we made it!
Does anyone else hear "ma-cho... ma-cho man...." in the background when they look at these pictures? Long lost member of the Village People, maybe? I think so.
if your car doesn't break down you can always be a "crossing guard" at St Anns again
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