We just took a breath and realized that it has been over a month since we have written!! Holy Shamrocks...it's almost St. Patrick's Day! Honestly, where has the time gone?? Well, I can tell you....my time has been devoted to my lovely job. I have worked more the past few weeks than I ever did in Chicago or Lux...90+ hours in one week and counting. With all that work, I sort of lost control of my facial hair for a couple days...
But, we are not here to say "boo-hoo" to me. Our big work reports and deadlines have been reached, and I have some breathing room (at least for a few days!). I think one of the best comments is from Aggie's mom when we were talking to her tonight, "Oh, Matt you are there too? And it's before midnight?!" Yes folks, this is on a Friday evening...
Anyway, so we had the chance to do a few fun things since our St. Moritz weekend back in February (when we last wrote). Aggie went to London for a long weekend trip with the family she babysits for. She had a great time touring the city and, in her off time, visiting with some friends of ours who live there. We also went to Davos, Switzerland for the anual E&Y ski weekend. The snow wasn't the best, and the visibility was crappy, but we all had a good time and enjoyed hanging out with each other outside of the office. The big highlight of that little jaunt was that Ags learned how to snowboard! She's quite the snow bunny...
This weekend (tomorrow) I'm skiing in Flims-Laax with John (the husband of a fellow EY'er...see the blog about the Wine Boats). On Sunday, Aggie and I want to chill and have a fun day. The agenda will probably be as follows: sleep in, workout, then down a few Guinnesses (Guinnii?) at the local Irish Pub - Paddy Riley's...after that, we'll be all warmed up to have a Happy St. Patty's Day!
For Easter, we are going to Madrid, Spain (hola!). We are going with our good friends John (who I am skiing with) and Helen (his wife), so we are pretty psyched. The following week I have another ski day in Engelberg with E&Y and then who knows what else. We've got my cousin Brent and his wife Erika visiting at the end of April (hooray!) and then big Ferd and Andre 3000 will be here in May (ready to rock out). That adventure will take us on a tour of "the boot" (Italy...to the lay person).
PS. We promise to stop being complete slackers on the blog. You have to give me a little bit of a break here...this was our "busy" season. Unfortunately, Ag has decided that the whole YEAR is considered "busy" season, but whatever.
PSS. We have also decided that it's YOUR fault for us not blogging as frequently. Yes, you, our dedicated readers. We want visitors! Just think, if you come, your picture will be posted and your adventures will be told for all the world to see. We just need you to come so we have something to write about!
Now THAT'S a porn-stache to be proud of!! I seem top remember Big Ferd having one like that back in the 80's and 90's!!
Um Kris, why are you lookin at the dudes while watching porn?
Boy that's uncomfortable, Does Trish Know?
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