So the past few weeks have been a whirlwind. We have been busy trying to get back in the swing of things since Christmas and New Years. I've just been working and Agnes has been doing some dog sitting for one of my co-workers. Of course, many of our friends traveled home to the US for the holidays. Therefore, last night we had a get together to see everyone and to celebrate the engagement of our two good friends, Dave and Ali.
The party started around 8pm and continued till around midnight. At midnight the carriage was to change back into a pumpkin and there wasn't going to be a way to get everyone home. (aka, everyone got the boot because the trams stop running around half past 12!) Between the champagne, wine, hot cider, and spread of homemade appetizers, we had a fun time. We all chatted, ate, drank and were merry! Big props go to Agnes, who set the whole thing up (food, drinks, cleaning the apartment, etc) while not even being physically at our apartment...she was over in the "dog house".
We don't have any set plans the rest of January. Who knows, something could pop up!? At the beginning of February we are going to St. Moritz (town in Switzerland, toward the Italy/Austria border) with a group of friends for some skiing. Should be an excellent time. In the meantime, Aggie's back at the daycare and babysitting, and I'm still keeping on at work.
Oh, also this past week, I got a note from Levia, one of the little girls Ag babysits for. She wrote, "Nice Matt. Please come see us again. Your Levia." (She is 6.) All the ladies love me...
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