As promised, here are some pics of the cows that are in the field behind my apartment. Basically, they are in my back yard...
Either the incessant moo-ing has lightened up a bit, or I'm just getting used to it because it doesn't seem as bad any more. Also, the same farmer that tried to run me and my friends over (see the "Munster v Leinster" post) must own these cows because he saw me snapping photos of them and started to come over to investigate. I'm sure he loves me! But any-who.
Other than the arrival of Her Ag-Nes, not much has been going on to blog about. Just been working a lot still, but that should start to lighten up here over next couple of weeks (unless they plan on loading some work on me that I'm not aware of...which could absolutely without a doubt be the case).
Random things :
- The marathon training is going well. Last weekend I went 21 miles in under 8 minute per mile pace. That should put me right around a 3 hour and 40 minute marathon, which is my goal.
- Two things I've noticed about jogging here. Well, three: A) the hills are freakin killer and the scenery and trails are beautiful...a good combination, B) most guys who are not American wear neon multi-colored biker's shorts when they run...it's about the most embarrassing thing that a man could wear (don't worry Fredo, they haven't converted me) and it always provides for some good entertainment and makes me feel a lot better about myself when I'm strugglin on a long run, and C) cars will slow WAY down, flash their brights at you and honk their horns (as if you are in their way) even when you are up on the sidewalk and they are on the other side of the road! It's like "Whew! Dude, good thing you warned me you were coming or you and your car that's going about 10 miles an hour may have clipped me from 30 feet away!"
- The weather here has started to turn pretty nice. It's consistently about 70 degrees and sunny, with not much humidity. Basically perfect. And, it seems like there is some sort of festival every weekend. A couple of the guys from work and I have gone for drinks or dinner in the city centre after work a couple times and it's just really lively in the main plaza there. I think the summer here is going to be (as the Irish guys say)...brilliant.
- The Ireland trip is confirmed. Robbie (Irish guy from work who we are going with) and I talk about it a lot and it seems it should be a lot of fun. Agnes and I are also going to Nevers, France (near Dijon) next weekend to visit her cousin. Can't wait to try some mustard.....
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