
New Blog...coming soon!

Hello there everyone. Just to let you all know, I'm still alive and there will be several upcoming blogs. I have just been a bit preoccupied with my visitor that has been here for a little over a week now.

Agnes came on Christmas Eve and is leaving tomorrow. We have been having an incredible time, and I will be sad to see her leave. But the last week and a half have made for some great blog material (not to mention great memories as well). To give a quick synopsis: Christmas was great and Agnes made a great turkey; we went to Rome between Christmas and New Year's; New Year's was great and we made a great dinner of pork chops, sauerkraut, mashed potatoes and apple sauce; we went to Paris on New Year's day for a couple of days; in between we drank a lot of wine, ate a lot of good meals, took a lot of good pictures and shared a lot of laughs.

I will blog on all of the above mentioned events, and post some pics as well. Also, I will post episode 2 of "My Life is a Circus: The TV." (Note: it seems that things may have settled down and the tent that has been over me can finally start to be taken down!) So stay tuned.

Hope everyone had wonderful holidays, and thanks to all of you that sent Christmas cards and/or ECards my way....I love getting mail and it really means a lot!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Matt...sounds like your visitor was just the thing you needed!! Glad to hear your circus is coming to an end...I will skype you this weekend