Everything is going well so far. The weather has been decent, with a little rain each day. During the first two days here, I saw a car, 10 apartments, and basically acclimated myself to the city. It was quite fun, but very tiring. I found an apartment in a northern part of the city called Bereldange (pron. Bear-el-donge). It is really really nice and I can't wait to show it off to all of you when you come to visit....(either way I will post pictures). I move in next Friday, October 28.
I also got a car, which is a very good thing, according to my co-workers here. I test drove it on Monday and it is very nice. The seller went on vacation earlier this week, and I didn't get a chance to set up a bank account (to pay him for the car), so I will actually take possession of it on November 1 when he gets back and I get my account set up.
I also got a cell phone, as well as got all set up with a phone number, fax number, desk, computer, etc at work. I will continue to update all this type of information on my "How to Stay in Touch With Me" posting.
So...things are falling into place and I feel like I've accomplished a lot for one week. I've been able to get out on some nice runs, and I've been learning a little French. I can function in a restaurant with my French, which as you all know, is one of the most important things for me!
So hopefully things will continue to go well here over the next couple weeks. I'm feeling more and more comfortable every day and I'm hoping that trend continues.

Sounds great! Just be patient and I'm sure everything will fall into place eventually. Just think of it all as a great learning experience! Love, Mom
Hello Matt and welcome to Luxembourg!
Chief Wahoo's gay...
good luck w/your arthritis. the groin is no laughing matter.
go rockets
Moien to you too dude.
Kris was just over and showed us your blog. So how is Bereldange (translation = the bear poop)?
Glad to hear things are going well. Dane had a big game last night - 4 interceptions. But it doesn't look like they're going to make the playoffs.
Hey Matt!
OK, this blog will obviously be my laughter therapy for the day! Check out www.journal-news.com to see if the story about Dane is there today. He tied the school single-game record! Go Rams!
Love ya!
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