I forgot to mention in our last blog that our one year anniversary was coming up. Yes folks, just over a year ago, I presented Mr. Bill with 20 boxes of mint tea, 14 camels, 25 swatches of oriental silk, 3 goats and 100 gold dabloons and that was that...Aggie was "signed" away to me, to become a Marcum! My how time flies when you are having fun! This past year has been absolutely amazing. Obviously, we have had some challenges (like when Ag doesn't have dinner ready when I get home), but we have also had some wonderful memories (like when she does). The best part is we have been able to share most of those challenges and memories with you! We had a nice time looking back at pictures, remembering our wedding day and being grateful all over again for the people who shared it with us.
Labor Day weekend we had Uncle Terry and Aunt Phyllis visiting us. They had an awesome itinerary planned - they were going to be in Zurich for 3 nights, then head to France and visit the Burgundy area, then the Provence area, and finally Paris. Since it was also our anniversary weekend, they took us out to a really nice dinner to celebrate our lllloooovvvveeeee.
The week leading up to their arrival was pretty normal aside, from the fact that I was in London for 2 nights for work. They got in on Friday morning (Aug 29th), and - other than their flight being a bit delayed - they had no issues. We took them right to their hotel to see if their room was available. It wasn't, but we got to leave their luggage there, and then we headed back to our house to relax. I went to work and Aggie and them chatted and chilled for a while. Around noon, they headed back into town. They stopped at the train station so that Ag could show them how the train system works, how to read the schedules, etc (the rest of their travels were on the trains).
Then they went to the hotel and checked in. Uncle Terry crashed for a bit while Aggie and Aunt Phyllis walked around town. They headed up Bahnhofstrasse (the main street) for a bit before turning into the Old Town area. They window shopped and weaved through the cobblestone streets before taking a break down by the lake on a bench. Later they caught up with Terry back at the hotel but not before Aggie introduced Phyllis to Spruengli (the famous delicious chocolate shop) and showed her one of the gourmet grocery stores.
Unfortunately, I got caught with a few last minute things at work and finally met them around 7:30pm or so at the cafe outside their hotel. From there we walked down Bahnhofstrasse and found a cool outdoor restaurant where we grabbed dinner.
On Saturday, we slept in for a bit, and then I went out for a jog. Uncle Terry and Aunt Phyllis were up early and out shopping when we talked to them around 10am that morning. They were our first visitors to NOT sleep in when they have come to visit us....my cousin and Aggie's whole family slept in so until around 11:30am on their first morning, so we felt kind of bad for not being ready. Everything worked out, though, and we were with them by noon.
We ended up taking them to Luzern that afternoon via the trains...Zurich was getting crowded with shoppers anyway. In Luzern we walked around the town a bit and then went to an outdoor cafe by the river for a late lunch. The sun was shinning and the weather was beautiful! Afterwards we walked around a bit more then headed back to Zurich. We had dinner plans that evening for our anniversary....
We all met up around 7pm and took a tram close to where the restaurant was. Then, we jumped into cab and away we went....up, and up and up a bit more until the driver finally stopped. The restaurant was an outdoor patio that overlooked a vineyard and the city of Zurich. It was really pretty and the weather was perfect. We had some champagne, ate and were merry. It was wonderful!
After dinner we headed to the Jules Verne Panorama Bar for a night cap. Aunt Phyllis had noticed the bar the night before and it looked really cool. The bar was basically at the top of this circular tower building that overlooked the city. We had a few drinks there before calling it a night. Fun times!!
Sunday was a 110% lazy day. Uncle Terry and Aunt Phyllis came over for an early dinner as I had to leave that evening for London (yet again!). We all sat around and chatted most of the afternoon and then ate around 4pm or so. For an anniversary/get well/thanks for being our tour guide, my aunt and uncle gave us a beautiful fondue pot. It's so cool and Aggie was (and still is) extremely, extremely excited about it.
I left for my flight, and a bit later, they left to go back to their hotel and get situated for thier upcoming adventures in France. They should have just gotten home by now, and we hope they had a blast!
The sun was starting to set and Andy drove the boat back to this little cove area. There we set up a mini table and had a whole spread set up with wine, beer, cheese, nuts, bread, etc. It was a prefect little picnic! Later we docked and noticed a big tent set up along the shore. We walked over to check it out, and it was really cool. There was a Moroccan band playing and singing. The tables were pretty much at knee level and you sat on plush pillows. It was really cool... We got some delicious mint tea and called it a night.
Saturday we just chilled and went to the gym, justa' workin' on our fitness. That evening we went to our friend Hesham's new apartment for a BBQ. It was a nice time and good evening. Sunday was a work day for me and a domestic day for Ag. We actually had some Cincinnati chili for dinner, which was so good...once it hit your lips...it's so good! Only a few more weeks and we will be able to taste the real thing....
We don't have too much planned the rest of this month but that could easily change. I am running in a half-marathon the weekend of 20 Sept, and some friends are going to Oktoberfest the following weekend and we could tag along, so there are options...stay tuned to see what comes up next!